International Orders
- Kith now offers worldwide shipping for orders placed online. If you wish to ship your order internationally, please select the country flag in the top right hand corner of your screen and select the desired ship to country. If you do not see your country listed in this drop-down, please reach out to customerservice@kith.comfor immediate assistance.
- Orders shipped outside the United States will be subject to customs duties/taxes. Our partnership with Global-E has enabled us to take payment of said fees at the time of checkout. Therefore, all international orders placed on will go through Global-E’s custom checkout. It should be know that because of this, Global-E will act as the seller of record for these orders. In turn, your bank statement could reflect either Global-E and/or Kith as the seller. All international purchases will be subjected to Global-E’s Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. This will be clearly presented to you at checkout.
- Payment of duties at checkout guarantees that your parcel will arrive to you fully landed. If for any reason you receive an email from DHL or your local customs agency asking for additional payment, please reach out to customerservice@kith.comfor further assistance.
Order Receipt vs. Order Confirmation
- Each international order is subject to review. It should be known that receiving an “Order received” email does not guarantee your order went through nor that the product is committed to your order. Your order is only confirmed once you’ve received an “Order Confirmation” email.
- If for any reason your order is canceled, please allow up to 7 business days for the payment to be reversed. If it has not appeared by then, please reach out to our customer service team.
- All international orders will be shipped out via DHL Express.
- For more information on International Returns please visit our Returns and Exchanges
- Please note that during high traffic times, there is a chance that your order will go through our normal Kith checkout. During these times, you will not be offered to pay duties up front, therefore, your parcel will not arrive to you fully landed. Once the parcel lands in the destination country, you will be contacted for customs payment remittance by your local customs agency. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.