Kith x Columbia Sportswear: The Bugaboo Book

In an effort to detail the storied history of Columbia Sportswear, Kith worked with the Portland-based icon to create a very special book. The second Kith book to date, the Kith x Columbia Sportswear Bugabook focuses on the background of Columbia and the Bugaboo, Kith-founder Ronnie Fieg's personal experience with the Bugaboo line and Columbia as a whole, as well as a thorough breakdown of the products available in the collaborative collection (which is set to launch this Saturday, December 12). 

The well-versed and intellectual Gary Warnett stands in as author, posing poignant points and fascinating interviews with some of Columbia's most notable personalities, including Gert Boyle. Vintage archived Columbia ads have been repurposed, thus telling the brand's tale in the most genuine way.